John Mayleben

More lessons from latest data breaches

I mentioned in a previous blog that all of us can learn from the massive retail data breaches that were announced during the holidays, and we should be using the knowledge as a tool to strengthen protection of our own data. We’re finding out more about these digital heists all the time. A big disclosure […]

Lessons to learn from latest data breaches

As almost everyone has heard, a number of large retailers suffered massive data breaches over the Christmas season. While all of the details around these attacks have not been made public, we can all learn from what is happening. Over the years, we in the retail industry have gotten very good at building walls around […]

What if you get a Card Declined or Pick Up Card message?

What happens if the credit or debit card from one of your customers is declined or flagged for pick up during a purchase? I was asked recently about those messages. Here’s what they mean and how you should respond when processing a card transaction. Being aware of what to do – and then doing it […]

Do you know where your customers’ data are?

Remember the public service announcements of the 1970s and ’80s asking parents, “Do you know where your children are?” As a business owner in today’s dangerous business environment, you should be asking yourself, “Do I know where my customers’ data are?” I had dinner recently with a colleague who was complaining that while traveling in […]

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